Subject: मित्रता सप्ताह पर संदेश : आप अपने मित्रों को भेजें, अगर मुझे मित्र समझें तो मुझे भी :)
To: इन्दुपुरी गोस्वामी <>, आराधना 'मुक्ति' <>
Dear Friend, Give thousand chances to your enemy to become your friend, But don ' t give a single chance to your friend to become your enemy '" width="29" />It ' s 'World Best Friends Week ' send this to all your good friends." width="29" />Even me, if I am one of them. See how many u get back." width="29" />If u get more than 3 you ' re really, a lovable person...... ......... .I am waiting" width="300" />" width="138" />" />
It ' s National Friendship Week." width="114" /> Show your friends how much you care." width="363" /> Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND!" width="396" /> Even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you." width="98" />
If it comes back to you, then you will know you have a circle of friends." width="277" /> HAPPY FRIENDSHIP WEEK TO YOU!!!!!!" width="320" />
My friends are my treasure, F - Few
R - Relations
I - In
E - Earth
N - Never
D - Die Thank you all for your wonderful and precious friendship !!!" width="400" />
Subject: My wealth is U as best friend
Dear Friend, Give thousand chances to your enemy to become your friend, But don ' t give a single chance to your friend to become your enemy '
It ' s National Friendship Week.
If it comes back to you, then you will know you have a circle of friends.
My friends are my treasure, F - Few
R - Relations
I - In
E - Earth
N - Never
D - Die Thank you all for your wonderful and precious friendship !!!
Posted via email from Allahabadi's Posterous यानी इलाहाबादी का पोस्टरस
हिमांशु जी मेरी और से आपको मित्रता की पेशकश की जा रही है, यदि आप इस योग्य समझें तो नाचीज़ खुद को धन्य समझेगा.
जवाब देंहटाएं
@उपदेश सक्सेना
जवाब देंहटाएंमित्रता तो सदा क़बूल है भाई!